You can benefit from therapy if you…
- Feel stressed, depressed, or hopeless.
- Are unhappy with your marriage or primary relationship.
- Are going through separation or divorce.
- Need help with your child's behavioral, emotional or school problems.
- Need help communicating with or caring for an elder parent.
- Have eating, sleeping, or sexual problems.
- Have panic or claustrophobic attacks.
- Are involved in an abusive relationship.
- Have a life threatening illness such as cancer or AIDS.
- Have debilitating fear, anger or guilt.
- Are concerned about alcohol or drug use.
- Experience profound mood swings.
- Experience flashbacks.
- Think of suicide.
- Experience loneliness and isolation.
- Have an overwhelming fear or worry.
- Have fears about your own death or the death of a loved one.
- Feel like you're wasting your life.
- Behave in self-destructive ways.
- Feel deep dissatisfaction with your job.
- Have persistent conflicts with co-workers.
- Wonder about the direction and meaning of your life.
- Are often sick or have chronic health problems (headaches, stomach, back pain, M.S., etc.).
- Are undergoing divorce or separation.
- Have survived a trauma, accident, or are in crisis.
- Have unexplained fatigue or lack of motivation.
- Experience severe emotional stress or anxiety.
- Show problems with inappropriate behavior.
- Have persistent feelings of loneliness or isolation.
- Are disturbed about your sexual functioning or activities.
- Have unusual eating patterns.
- Have experienced a major injury or illness in the past.
- Feel your alcohol or drug use has become "abuse."
- Your family thinks you have an alcohol or drug problem.
(626) 359-4330