For over 3 decades we have been servicing our community with affordable psychotherapy.

We currently offer in-person and on-line therapy sessions to the San Gabriel Valley and throughout California via secure Telehealth.

Individual Therapy

The Place Within offers therapy to individuals throughout California via Telehealth and in-person at our office in the San Gabriel Valley. We work with adults, children, and adolescents using a variety of integrated theories of therapy. Our treatment starts with the relationship between you and your therapist and is based on the goals and desires to make positive changes in your life. There is no imposed limit from insurance companies or grant funders on how long your treatment will last. You and your therapist will come up with a plan and timeline for you to see the impact of the therapy. Call us today for availability and to be connected to a caring and knowledgeable therapist.

Couples, Pre-Marital & Marital Therapy

Are you stuck in a non-productive pattern in your relationship? Does the communication keep breaking down? Are there more ruptures than repairs? Could you use a neutral third party to help you understand and work through the challenges in your intimate relationship? We have therapists trained in the modality of Couples Therapy and understand family systems to help you work through all of this. Although no one can guarantee that they can fix your relationship, we offer therapy for partners where deepening intimacy, learning about our own reactions and responses, and creating better communication can happen. Call for your appointment today.

Family Therapy

Our therapists have specialized training and receive support and supervision that specifically revolves around family systems. Not all mental health clinicians have that type of training and experience. Family Therapy can happen within family units that live together, families that don’t live together and want to work on better relationships, families who want to understand and address generational trauma, and chosen families navigating life. Call our intake coordinator today to discuss the possibility of starting family therapy for you and your loved ones.

Group Therapy

The Place Within recognizes that healing happens in community, so we offer Group Therapy to different communities. Click here to find out what groups are forming or going on right now. If you have a community that could use a trained therapist to run an on-going group or facilitate a short-term circle of care, contact our intake coordinator to request services.


With a growing need for trained, compassionate therapists to help adolescents between that ages of 12-24 through an often challenging and confusing time of life, The Place With offers support and training for therapists who can attend to this specific phase of life. This is a period of differentiation when a person moves from the stage of dependency on the adults around them to being able to gain more independence, interdependence, and making new connections with the world around them. A therapist who understands human development and the challenges with being an adolescent in the world today can be a supportive and caring adult and provide scaffolding for the changes occurring. Our services are affordable for young people who are ready to gain insight and coping skills.

Professional Trainings, Workshops, and Public Events

We believe that wellness happens in community, therefore we offer programs where professionals who are passionate about what they do can connect with our therapists and the public to share information and inspiration. Our Continuing Education Program for professionals brings relevant and useful systems-based experiences and knowledge to the professional community. And our public education events offer opportunities for learning, personal and interpersonal healing, and development. Every event or CE event you register and pay for directs the proceeds to come back into The Place Within to help us offer affordable psychotherapy to our clients. Programs offered free of charge allow more individuals to participate. Those events will have the opportunity for those who are grateful for the work we do to reciprocate that gratitude through financial donations. Thank you for considering joining us in growing together!

Speakers and Presenters on Topics of Mental Health and Wellness

Do you have a group that could use some helpful information from a mental health professional or relationship expert? You can hire one or more of our therapists to facilitate a workshop or presentation. Call us today to request a knowledgeable presenter.

Labyrinth Walks, Presentations, and Events

We have trained facilitators who work in relationship with labyrinths to help individuals and groups heal, deepen their own insight and understanding, and navigate existential challenges. This work is secular and not tied to any religion and it recognizes the labyrinth as an ancient archetype that humans have worked with for thousands of years.

Our professional and public programs will be listed here

In addition the Place Within offers services that utilize our 25’ x 25’ Chartres Style Labyrinth facilitated by a trained Labyrinth Facilitator. We can also come to your labyrinth to do dedications and labyrinth warmings. On-line presentations can be developed with the use of finger labyrinths to meet the needs of your event or group. If you or your organization are interested in bringing labyrinth work to your retreat, gathering, memorial, or special event, please contact Natasha Morisawa at or (626) 321-5869 for more information.